[pH10.3] 梅ヶ島コンヤ温泉郷 Okushizu Konya hot-spring village

コンヤ温泉は日本有数の強アルカリ単純硫黄泉です。PH10.3のアルカリ温泉はまるで化粧水に浸かっているかのようなヌルヌルした肌さわりです。Konya Onsen is one of the most strongly alkaline simple sulphur springs in Japan, with a PH of 10.3, the alkaline hot spring has a slippery feel, like being soaked in lotion.

梅ヶ島コンヤの里テニスコート Umegashima Konya no Sato tennis courts

Surrounded by nature, the tennis courts are surrounded by cherry and plum orchards and many deciduous trees for walking and cycling.

梅ケ島コンヤ温泉郷の星空 Starry sky of Umegashima Konya spa resort

街灯が少なく周りが山に囲まれた梅ヶ島の中でも、コンヤの里の星空は肉眼でも目が慣れてくると天の川を見ることが出来ます。With few street lights and surrounded by mountains, the starry sky of Konya no Sato makes it possible to see the Milky Way with the naked eye as your eyes become accustomed to it.

From Shizuoka Station, drive north along the Abe River on Prefectural Route 29 and you will find Umegashima Konya Onsen-kyo. Surrounded by mountains, the hot-spring village is a place of healing that you cannot experience in the city and that will soak you to the core.

This is the official website of the tourist association of Umegashima Konya Onsenkyo. Umegashima Konya Onsen consists of three hot spring hotels, a tennis court, a plum garden, a cherry garden, a CAFE and a Japanese Restaurant.



貸切温泉露天風呂 大野木荘 Hot springs available for private use. Ohnogiso

全5室の本宿は、ゆったり入れる大きな貸切風呂が全部で4箇所あり、贅沢な空間でゆっくりとプライベートな時間をお過ごしいただけます。The five-room inn has a total of four large private baths, where guests can relax and spend private time in luxurious surroundings.

貸切風呂の大野木荘 公式ホームページ

こんや銘酒館 Konya Meishukan

「銘酒館」の名の通り、美味しい日本酒を数多く取り揃えております。元々は酒屋であるオーナーが、〝大人の隠れ家〟をテーマに宿を始めたい、と思ったのがきっかけでした。As the name \"Meishukan\" suggests, the inn offers a wide range of delicious alcoholic beverages. The owner, who originally ran a liquor store, wanted to start an inn with the theme of an \'adult retreat\'.

こんや銘酒館 公式ホームページ

湯の宿 民宿 志むら Hot Spring Inn Guest House Shimura

guests can spend time interacting with nature in a way they cannot in the city.Meals are healthy and heart-warming, with wild vegetables, river fish, wild boar and deer in winter.

湯の宿 民宿 志村 公式ホームページ


The new sauna will offer an unprecedented way to enjoy sauna while maintaining the charm of Umegashima.We hope to create a place where visitors, locals, and everyone else can feel refreshed and comfortable.This drive-in is a place where travelers and the local community can spend a pleasant time together.



Cafe Kokorade



■梅ヶ島キャンプ場より徒歩5分/コンヤの里テニスコートより徒歩3分■営業時間:11:00~ その日によって■休日:不定休■電話:054-269-2165■食事:茶そばざる・かつ丼他


<公営>静岡 コンヤの里テニス場 
電話番号(054)269-2328■森林浴しながらのプレイができるのはここだけ!砂入人工芝テニスコート5面■ナイター、シャワー設備完備■AM9:00-PM5:00(PM5:00からはナイター )